I know I don't update it daily. Shut up.

January 11, 2007

I battle and I win.

Crazy day around here. We don't have a wall left in the guest room. Perhaps I should explain:

So here I was getting caught up on Craig Ferguson when Mr. Boo came out into the living room.

"Wrow?" he says. Which, as you know, means, "Bryan I'm sorry to disturb you - and by the way thanks for breakfast but the water was a tad cold so please run the warm water first next time - but I think something's amiss in my room back here, and I'm not talking about how you guys are leaving things in my chairs and forced me to fight you last night. I'm talking about the large, lizardlike creature flying outside."

So I said, "Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis?"

And he turned around and dashed into the guest room. And I followed him and you know what? A dragon got its tail caught in the gutter! So I took the bottom part out of the window to help him, but I leaned too far out the window and fell out but I still had a hand on the dragon's tail. And of course it's floppin' and flyin's around and making an awful ruckus and now my fat butt is weighing it down. But luckily one of the kids on the first floor is having his birthday today and his parents set up one of those bouncy castles. The crew had just finished setting it up so it looked good to me and I let go of the tail and dropped down. But I hit the floor too hard and bounced out and landed on top of Maintenance Guy Glen's truck, on one side of a ladder. The other side flew up and hit the power line which ripped the tranformer out - and it connects to a line on the overpass there. It sent up all these sparks and hit one of the roots of a tree which got knocked loose since it was growing out of the slope and knocked into the dragon which fell back into the building and obliterated the wall. Frank (the landlord) had to come down and was pissed. Mr. Boo and I got some plastic tarp from Glen, who was also mad that he needed to get a new ladder. We had to keep the door to the room closed for awhile but Frank's mortar guys were able to come by today with a new window. Everything was patched up by the time Marcy got home. Crazy, huh? You can't make this stuff up.

Oh, and I got a new job. Yippeee! I be working for an energy-research publication company. Neato!

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