I know I don't update it daily. Shut up.

November 13, 2008

I don't know much about it, but I love it.

The Wizard of Oz is sacred ground. Especially when it comes to the silver screen.
So what has me so jazzed about this new project to create a new Wizard of Oz movie? Well, for one, it's closer to the author's original vision of what that story was.
It also made me think of my own story.
Years ago, I began a children's book. It's a project close to my heart. It also was waylaid to life getting in the way. Yet I say to people that I'm working on a children's book.
I am, dammit. It's about time I start acting like it.
So with this image in mind, and this passion to bringing a beloved tale to life, I hope to make my own tale breathe.
Starting Saturday.

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