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July 16, 2010

Wardrobe weirdos

On Thursday, I bought three new shirts for my impending visit to Comic-Con, rounding out my unofficial uniforms for the Con.
After telling people you're attending Comic-Con the inevitable question comes up later: Will you be going in costume? As I'm a Con noob (and literally traveling opposite ends of the country to attend) I'm going to rely on my awesome T-shirts to get me through the week.
After a casual glance through Google Images for Con costumes, I've found some common themes among those who dare go full-Geek:

The nonchalant costume: "Yeah, I'm dressed as Superman. So what? Move along or your ass will feel my heat vision." Actually, that's a pretty good pickup line.

The excuse to go naked: This allows moderately attractive women to have their self-worth validated by the wandering eyes of hundreds of men who have left their houses for the second time this year. ...

...Unfortunately this works the other way around too.

The "Well, I had it laying around" approach: I almost went this route with a nondescript pirate costume I have. There's something gratifying about seeing religious figures entering the mix.

The sushi approach: "Hey, I think I'll slap a bunch of fish parts on me and see how it goes ..." Wait, I'm being told this is actually a real costume.

The "I've been waiting my whole life for this" costume: Well, we all have to have a hobby.

The mashup: I love that physique doesn't stand in the way of people's quests for impressive dress. Of course, that also spells certain doom for the "Excuse to go Naked" costume.

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