I know I don't update it daily. Shut up.

March 21, 2008

Beard Watch 2008


From this day onward, which I feel begun
Both in me, and without me, and so last
To perpetuity; Ay, me, that fear
Come thund'ring back with dreadful revolution
On my defenseless head; both Death and I
Am found Eternal, and incorporate both,
Nor I on my part single, in mee all
Posterity stands cursed ...

-Paradise Lost, Book X, lines 811-818
John Milton


Mike Garvey said...

I feel it is my duty to inform you: newly-weds are never allowed to send emails entitled "BIG news" unless it is either accompanied by the disclaimer, "And no, we are not pregnant", or it is actually an email about being pregnant.

Congrats on the beard, regardless. Plan on a cold mug tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Garvey is right.

I'm glad you shaved. It is nice to see your beautiful face again! (The St. Patrick's Day photo scared me a bit).

Anonymous said...

Ach, ye shaved before I could post a photo of your bebearded face to my LJ and ask my readership whether I'm right about you resembling Jimbo from "Questionable Content."

I'll post a link to a Jimbo when I get a chance.

Unknown said...

Dude! Garvey is totally right. I was definitely thinking "oh boy - a mini-Mahoney?"

Sorry we missed you guys last weekend. We were bummed!

-Sarah C.

Anonymous said...

You Son of a Bitch!! LOL. Well congrats on losing the beard, but if you ever do that to me again...I thought there was going to be a future Jedi...How disappointed was I that this was not the case. You Have Abused The Force Mahoney-One, you are officially on the Dark Side of the Force!! Love you both

Bryan Mahoney said...

Wow - had no idea I'd cause such a ruckus!

Trust me, when that day comes, you all will know in a more appropriate Mahooch style, complete with town criers and skywriting.

In the meantime, I'd like it known that I got my haircut next to the guy who did the special effects for Superman Returns.

Unknown said...

I like the non-hairy version of you, Mahom----well, you know. :)